3 Tradie SEO Tricks and Tips

Get Your Tradie Website Ranking

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is always a hot topic for any local business owner.

Whilst many marketers make it sound daunting, mysterious and costly, the truth is any local business (including our beloved tradies) can take measures to improve their SEO ranking without breaking the bank.

And that’s what we want to share with you.

SEO simplified for tradies

If a customer needs a local plumber in say, Sydney’s Northern beaches, they will search for one using “keywords” like:

  • Find plumber northern beaches
  • Northern beaches plumbers
  • Best plumbers northern beaches sydney
  • Local plumbers etc etc

The businesses appearing on the first 1-3 pages of Google will therefore benefit from being found by these customers meaning a CLICK and a CALL.

How did these businesses get to the top pages? Because of great “S E O.”

This could be achieved by:

  • Investing in an online SEO strategy. Can cost anywhere from $400 to $2000+ per month
  • Getting quality links back to their website
  • Having strong “social” signals – whereby other websites are talking about them. Google loves and values this as it tells them a business is “real.” And they get rewarded by Google – with better page rank!

SEO means more business for tradies

So taking this into consideration, how can you quickly improve your websites SEO, without spending a fortune?

Here are three top tips:

  1. Join local directories in your area

Local customers rely on local directories to find the services they need – and you need to be on them.

Also, some directories provide a link to your website meaning it will improve your SEO. When selecting the right type of local directory to join:

  • Understand how competitive each directory is – are you paying by postcode or region? (Paying by postcode can get very expensive). How many other trades like you are listed with them (you don’t want to get lost amongst the “competition”).
  • Will they provide a link back to your website? 
  • Make sure all your contact information is complete: including business location, contact numbers, list of services focusing on keywords and areas of your service.
  1. Create keyword – targeted landing pages on your website

Remember the above example, “Northern beaches plumber”.

By understanding the keywords consumers are searching, and tailoring landing pages on your website related to them, you can greatly improve your local SEO within weeks.

To be effective:

  • Include the keywords and location in the URL, headings and page content
  • Include content related on the page e.g. talk about “Northern beaches plumbers”
  • Be area specific – called “geo-targeting.” It is a lot easier to improve your SEO locally by area than by major city name or state.

How can you find out what your relevant keywords are? Use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to look for the best keywords related to your services and the areas you service.

  1. Build your online presence

Connecting, partnering and collaborating with other online websites will not only boost your online presence but will help increase your website’s SEO ranking.

Why? Because when other sites mention and link to you, Google will recognise your site as “credible” and “trusted”.

Ways to do it?

  • Get links and mentions from other websites by consistently publishing content that is relevant, informative, engaging, and well-written
  • Reach out to relevant industry blogs and ask if you can guest post
  • Look at local directory memberships like Tradebusters Connect that allow you to contribute content and articles.

In addition, more exposure on other websites will increase your chances of being found by customers needing your services.

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