How to Make Your Relationship Survive a Renovation

For couples living under one roof, the idea of initiating a renovation project for their home together seems like a very romantic idea. After all, what could be more romantic than making your dream home come true by working with the person you love on it? Alas, a renovation project is not that simple. Exciting, yes, but easy, no. As a matter of fact, renovations could prove to be so stressful it’s not uncommon for couple to get into arguments or fights over the way they’re going. Some relationships may even suffer so much strain with the renovation that they eventually fall apart.

However, don’t let the preceding paragraph scare you if you’re a couple planning to get some renovation work done. Far more couples have survived a renovation than those that broke up. Here are some tips that we hope would help make your relationship survive a renovation project.

It’s just a house

Before you start renovating, always keep in mind that for all the emotions attached to the renovation of your house, it, in the end, is just a house. Your relationship should always come first, no matter how difficult or frustrating the renovation project is getting. Don’t let your relationship suffer just because you’re starting to go over-budget or you’re arguing how a certain part of the house should look. All that should take a backseat to the fact that you love each other, badly-going renovation project or not.

Prepare for the renovation project

Since unforeseen developments in the conduct of the renovation project seem to be always the source of conflict between couples, why not take that out of the equation by carefully planning each step involved? Agree on a design and budget and find a highly recommended renovator who will constantly brief you about the status of the renovation project and inform you ahead of any development that could delay or increase the cost of the project. That way, you will have time to prepare and even lower your expectations should a delay inevitably take place because of budget issues.

Get a neutral 3rd party involved

A neutral third party always brings in a new perspective to a project. That third party could be a close relative or friend, who could also keep your spirits up even when the renovation project has hit a snag. That third party could also serve as a sounding board, so whatever your frustrations with how the renovation project is going, you can tell them to this 3rd party and spare your partner a lot of negative energy in the process.

Take walks together

After hours spent inside a home that smells of sawdust and paint, a couple should take some time to get out of the house together and take long walks together. It’s a nice to get some fresh air, check the neighbourhood out and talk about stuff that doesn’t involve the renovation project, like you normally did before you started renovating. That ought to clear your heads and get some fresh perspective on the renovation work you’re doing.

Hire a good renovator

To make your renovation project even less stressful, it would be great if you can leave the entire thing in the capable hands of a good renovator. That is something Tradebusters can help you with. With one call, we’ll be able to set appointments between you and the highly-recommended renovators in our network. So give us a call and ensure that your renovation project will not get in the way of your relationship.

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