Sydney renovations

Are You Ready to Take On Trending Indoor Outdoor Renovations?

Every year rings in new trends in home renovations, just like it sparks New Year’s resolutions. Tradies have to be prepared for what’s up-and-coming or trending as these changes come about. It’s vital to your business to understand the latest trends in home extensions: indoor-outdoor rooms. These projects provide you with a new income opportunity and add to your versatility, credibility and reliability in your local area.

Indoor-outdoor spaces encompass any area that connects to the home and give the homeowner outdoor living options. The designs for creating this type of space can be some combination of functional, aesthetic, and relaxing.  If you are looking to grow your business, the following trending indoor-outdoor renovation projects should be on your checklist. Read more

Bathroom Renovations

Renovation Ideas for Super Small Bathrooms

When space is at a premium, every square inch counts. For an innovative small bathroom design, there’s no surface that can’t be turned into a functional space, or be used to create the impression of more space. From mirrored surfaces to frameless shower screens, there’s a solution to make even the tiniest bathroom feel like a day spa oasis.

Check out our pick of unique design options- each one is easy to do with just a little help from a qualified tradesperson.

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What Does It Mean If My Electric Elements Are Smoking?

“I see smoke”!

If there is one thing that we would certainly be alarmed about when it comes to our appliances, it would be seeing smoke come out of them. However, smoke from an appliance is only exclusively a sign of danger if the smoking appliance we’re talking about is your television, your DVD player or other electric devices that don’t have heating elements.

While smoke from an appliance like the electric heater, toaster, toaster oven, pizza oven or electric range could also be a danger sign, it, more often than not, isn’t. There are a number of reasons why these electric elements are smoking, and here are some of them.

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Kitchen Renovations

6 Tips To Make Your Kitchen Look More Fabulous

A great kitchen can add incredible value to your property

To a home owner, every single part of the house is very important. However, if we cut through the sentimental attachment to every room and look at things more objectively, a realisation that the kitchen is the most important room of a home will come. Come to think of it, the kitchen is where we do a lot of stuff aside from its obvious purpose of being where we cook our food and eat.

The kitchen has also become a very popular spot for entertaining guests, believe it or not. We share lots of precious moments with friends and family at the kitchen and talk about stuff, often with a steaming cup of coffee or tea in hand.

Since the kitchen is the most important room of a home, we owe it to ourselves to make it look the best that it can. If you are planning to do any kitchen improvements or renovations, here are 6 tips that could help you make your kitchen look more fabulous.

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Ways to Determine if a Wall is Load-bearing or Not

Good Question. Is My Wall Load-Bearing?

Tearing down walls is often a part of any major renovation project in your home. However, before tearing any wall down, you need to determine if a wall is load-bearing or not.

When a wall is load-bearing, then it holds or transfers the weight load of a structure from one section to another. In other words, any attempts to bring that wall down means you will undoubtedly be bringing the entire structure down as well. This is why it’s important that you know how to tell a load-bearing wall from one that isn’t before tearing it down.

Here are some ways to determine if a wall is load-bearing or not.

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End of Lease Cleaning – A Helpful Guide

A helpful guide on your end of lease cleaning

The end of a lease can be a stressful time for both parties, made even worse if the fixed term of the contract has not ended. Here’s how to end your lease with as little pain as possible. Read more

Home Design Tips Sydney – 7 Design Tips to Consider

Designs tips for your new home or home renovation project

Are you considering building a new home or doing a major renovation? There’s a lot to consider whichever road you take, but the following seven tips should help you come up with a solid plan. Read more

Sydney Painters – How To Find The Best

How to find the best painter in Sydney

Painting is one of the most budget-friendly ways to add new life to a room or house. While painting may seem like an easy DIY job, it’s trickier than it looks.

Careful preparation, the right tools, and quality paints are essential to making sure your fresh coat of paint stays put for many years. Therefore, a qualified Sydney painter is highly recommended. Here’s how to find Sydney painters you know you can trust.
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Sydney Plumbers – 5 Vital Things to Check

What to check when looking for a plumber Most of us have heard the horror stories going around about what can happen when you hire the wrong plumber. While tales about disastrous plumbing experiences make a good story, they should also make us aware about just how important it is to spend some time ensuring […]

Home Renovations in Northern Beaches Sydney

Home Renovation in Sydney North Shore - Tips to a Successful RenovationHow to avoid common risks in home renovations

In 2017, the Sydney Northern Beaches was a hotbed of property deals, with record-setting auction clearance rates and some of the highest prices on record. In 2018, the property scene around Northern Beaches has cooled a little and adding value through a renovation is on the cards for many of last year’s home buyers caught up in the real estate frenzy.

Home Renovations create lots of potentials to add value to a home, increase its street appeal, or create more space for comfortable living, but careful management is needed if the renovation is to achieve the intended outcome. Here are a few of the most common risks faced by renovators and how to avoid them. Read more