Workers Compensation Insurance for Tradies!


I’m Fine… I have Workers Compensation Insurance!

This is something that I hear from tradies a lot. And to be honest, this used to be the case where you were covered travelling to and from work, and of course whilst you were at work.

But did you know that Workers Compensation rules have recently changed? The changes mean that you are no longer covered travelling to and from work, and are only covered whilst you are at work.

It also means that the maximum duration in which you can claim Workers Compensation payments is for 2 years. So what happens if your injury is so bad that you can’t work for more than two years… or worse, can’t go back to work ever?
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Public Liability Insurance for Electricians

Public liability Insurance is mandatory for most tradies- especially electricians in Australia!

Some tradies can choose if they want to take out Public Liability Insurance whilst for others, like electricians, it can be mandatory to have this insurance in place.


In some states of Australia, it is compulsory for electricians to have Public Liability Insurance in place before they are able to get their licence. For other electricians, they will need to have Public Liability Insurance in place before working for companies as subcontractors.

Either way, Public Liability Insurance is a serious consideration for electricians.
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Grow Your Trade Business – Leadership

Hi again this is Anil of Nexus BGS and today I would like to take you through what I call the “4 P’s of Leadership”

Now you’ve probably heard of the “4 P’s of Marketing” which is Product, Placement, Price and Promotion. What I came up with this morning just having a quick discussion with my daughter in the car, a leadership discussion, was the 4P’s of Leadership. I thought if marketing has “4 P’s”, why not leadership – it’s obviously an important topic.

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Public Liability Insurance for Subcontractors

When you’re working as a subcontractor, you’re generally going to be responsible for the financial cost of your own actions and often you won’t be covered by the insurance of the person or company who hired you.

For this reason, it’s not surprising that subcontractors are the main users of Public Liability Insurance.  A lot of tradesmen work as subcontractors and public liability insurance needs to be a major consideration.
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Why Terms of Trade Contracts Are Important for Tradies

Don’t let bad debtors steal your hard earned money!

We have all heard or used sayings like: prevention is better than a cure; a stitch in time saves nine; and it’s better to have a fence at the top of a cliff than an ambulance at the bottom.


For many years Credit Management, or Debt Collection companies, have focused solely on collecting overdue accounts not on preventing them, the apparent logic being, why prevent something that makes you money?

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Tradesmen Insurances- Three Tips for Saving Money


Are you ready to save money on your Tradie Insurances?

Making savings in your business can be done by reducing the costs of your current expenses, and let’s face it, one of these can be insurance.  By shopping around and making sure you have the right cover for what you need, you can make massive savings on this necessary business expense.
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Income Protection Insurance for Builders!

Are you without Income Protection? As a builder, it may be financially damaging!

A lot of you may be thinking, I’m 10 foot tall and Bullet proof! Really? Listen to my story…

I have a client who owns a beauty salon, and who’s husband is a builder – self employed (Let’s call them John and Mary). Until Mary met me, she didn’t have any insurances, but now everything is in place. She feels really confident that if she accidentally hurt herself she would get her income protection to cover her personal and business costs. This means that there won’t be a downturn in her finances if she couldn’t work.

For the last 6 months, she has been trying to convince her husband to do the same. But he has a different view on things. He is a young, fit, 30 year old.. what could possibly go wrong??
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Why Income Protection Insurance is So Important for Tradies!

“Help! My business partner has passed away and I can’t afford to pay out his estate!”

This is a terrible story. This is a story of two mechanics who went into business together (Let’s say their names are Joe and Andrew). They owned the business 50/50. Neither of them had a lot in superannuation and most savings went straight into starting up the business. A few years into the business, Andrew died quite tragically. The business was not in a financial position to pay any money to Andrew’s family, but technically the family (via the Will), now own 50% of the garage. Andrew’s wife has never worked in a garage before, nor does she really want to work in a garage. Unfortunately Andrew’s wife has no choice but to work there, and Joe has no choice but to let her work there because he can’t pay her out.

What could they have done?

There are insurance policies which could solve this issue and provide you with a level of peace of mind and control. In a nutshell, if the business had adequate insurance in place, Andrew’s family would have been the beneficiary of the insurance policy and Joe would have retained 100% of the business… It would have been a clean cut, and would have left both parties with choices.

The information provided in this article is of a general nature only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.  Before acting on this information you should consider its appropriateness having regard to your own objectives, financial situation and needs.